Event name
Tuesday Walks
Tue 09 / 24 / 2024
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Who can attend
Open to all
Frances Gilmore
Where: We now meet at the end of Northwestern Ave, where it meets Forbidden Drive. For your orientation, there is a stable on the left, and Cedars House is a few feet to the left on Forbidden Drive.When: The group will now be meeting every week.Time: 9:00 AM sharp, so please come a little early.Duration: We will plan to walk a half hour out and a half hour back, but people can choose to walk further or not that far.Pace: A comfy pace, not too slow, not too fastRegistration: Strongly recommended so people can be notified promptly of cancellations, and so we know who we're waiting forReply to: Fran Gilmore by text or email - 215-530-6735, frangil66@gmail.com